On Tuesday and Wednesday June 21st and 22nd 2022 Ofsted visited our school and declared that we continue to be a GOOD school.
Highlights of the report include:
What is it like to attend this school?
- Pupils love coming to Pegswood Primary School.
- Lessons are interesting and interactive, meeting the needs of all pupils.
- Pupils delight in visiting the refurbished library and choosing from the wide range of new books.
- Pupils have excellent behaviour and attitudes towards their learning and respond to the high expectations set by staff. Bullying rarely happens but pupils are confident that staff would sort it out if it did.
- Pupils show sincere respect for one another. They listen well to each other and are polite in discussion even when they disagree.
- Families regard Pegswood Primary as the ‘heart of the community’.
What does the school do well?
- Subject leaders are knowledgeable and passionate about the curriculum area they lead. Many do personal research to further develop the curriculum to ensure both breadth and depth in learning.
- The curriculum is carefully sequenced from Reception class onwards.
- Curriculum areas have been reviewed and more ambitious plans are being implemented.
- Pupils develop enquiry skills from a young age and revel in ‘digging deeper’ to answer historical questions.
- Pupils learn how to be collaborative team members and demonstrate the school values they know so well, confidence, determination, resilience and respect.
- Governors have a clear understanding of their various roles. They are aware of the changes being brought in by senior leaders, such as the new phonics programme, and fully support these. They have monitoring procedures in place to check the impact of decisions made.
- Staff appreciate the support they receive from senior leaders particularly during the tumult of the COVID-19 pandemic. Work/life balance is well considered, and time given for subject leadership.
- The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
- Leaders are robust in their approach to safeguarding.
- They know pupils and families well and are alert to any changes that may flag up concerns.
- Leaders are approachable and families call on them for support. They know leaders are tenacious in ensuring that services beyond the school control provide the right support to those in need.
What does the school need to do to improve?
- Leaders need to ensure that the most important knowledge and skills to be learned in nursery are identified. This is so staff prioritise acquisition of basic skills for all nursery children, so that they are prepared for Reception class.
- In subjects other than reading, writing and mathematics, leaders assessment systems to track how well pupils understand their learning are not fully developed. Leaders should ensure assessment information is used accurately to inform future planning, so that any gaps in learning can be addressed.
If you would like to read the report in full please follow the link below.