Safeguarding & Child Protection

Schools have a duty to safeguard the children in their care and we place their protection from harm or neglect above all other priorities.


If we have any concerns about the welfare of a child as a result of the things we have seen, heard or observed we will almost always try to discuss these concerns with the parent or carer in the first instance.


There may however be rare occasions when the nature of the things observed or disclosed by the child mean that our first course of action has to be to contact the social care services and / or the police without first informing the parent or carer.  Although to some this may appear to be against our policy of working in partnership with parents and carers, in this exceptional case the safety and care of children has to take priority. We are rightly required by law to ensure this priority is followed.


While all adults in the school receive regular training in child protection matters, all schools are required to have a designated person for child protection.  The Headteacher and the Deputy Headteacher are the designated people for child protection at Pegswood Primary School.

Our Safeguarding & Child Protection poilicy

Our Anti-Bullying Policy

You might find some of the following material/links useful too:


0800 1111

0808 800 2222

Staying safe online

Some excellent online materials for parents and carers to help you keep your child safe online and guidance for them too.


If you are worried or concerned about the way someone is communicating online, you can make a report to CEOP.