Pegswood Primary School SEND


Pegswood Primary School's SEND Provision

These documents outline the provision available for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND). This is a requirement of the Children’s and Families Act 2014 and the SEN Code of Practice 2014.  We will provide clear and accessible information about the support available within our school for pupils with SEND.

Pegswood Primary School SEND policy


To view our school SEND provision overview please click the link below:

Pegswood Primary School's SEND provision overview


For more detailed SEND provision at our school, follow the link below

Pegswood Primary School SEND Information Report


Northumberland Local Offer

The Local Authority (LA) will produce a Local Offer for the whole of Northumberland.  The Code of Practice (4.15) requires schools to co-operate with the LA in developing the Local Offer. For more information please visit the link below:


Local Authority Local Offer



For any concerns or complaints, please follow our complaints policy found here.